Your future career
At the end of the course, you will be awarded the prestigious Butler Valet School Diploma; a good boost to finding employment in the position of your choice. We have an excellent record of getting our students jobs and many have gone on to be working butlers running big households.
“An expertly trained butler can expect to earn somewhere between £26,000 and £45,000 plus, and in a some cases a six figure salary. Previous successful students of the Butler Valet School are now working in palaces, stately homes and large residences in the UK and throughout the world.”
We retain a great interest in all our past and present students and encourage them to keep in touch and tell us about their career progress, and of course we always help and advise them when we can. Tom Clifton, an Associate of the Butler-Valet School will attend the course to help with CVs and to conduct mock interviews to help prepare you for interviews with future employers. Tom runs his own recruitment agency P.E.S, and it will be on hand to help you seek employment.